
About us


We MAHAFED Agro Farmers Producer Company Limited (MAHAFED FPC) are a farmer producer company registered in 2022 under the Companies Act, 2013. We are state level association (SLA) of farmer producer companies in the state of Maharashtra. We are leading the FPC movement in the state of Maharashtra through incubating FPCs for agribusiness through social entrepreneurship business models.

We are providing handhold support to our member organizations and innovating various feasible and sustainable agri-business opportunities to nurture & develop them as a successful co-operative enterprises. We will reach across the state of Maharashtra for facilitating the agribusiness services to small and marginal farmers through the FPCs at grass-root level through innovations and interventions at value chain of agriculture commodities.

In upcoming years, we have to make our institutions as vibrant economic centers. We would like to work out strategies for addressing the good governance, digitalization of documents etc and timely reporting to authorities. We also have planned to act as business facilitator for the financial services. We have targeted to have core work in the area of Agriculture marketing reforms.

Farmers are in distress across the country. There are no ready-made solutions with national or local governments to make prosperity of the farming community. We are organizations of the farmers and promoted by farmers themselves. Henceforth we have ability and capacity to intervene, innovate and incubate the idea of agribusiness among small and marginal farmers. There is no one other than us who can explore and implement the ideas of agriculture development.

Digitalization of Agri markets and Farm to fork models is paving their paths by using ICT in Agriculture. Various electronic platforms are coming forward to improve the supply chain of agriculture commodities by adding value in unique way. Our planners and policy makers are very open- minded for strengthening and supporting agriculture economy. Now it is

FPCs growth and success is completely dependent on shareholders. Therefore, our endeavor is to make these foundations very strong. Unless and until our roots are not having core principles of social entrepreneurship and commitments for the member farmers, our efforts are in vain. We are at the point of diminishing phase of co-operative institutions and infancy stage of the development of the new era of agriculture startups based on the principles of co-operation and mutual assistance.

We expect Government support for enabling “Doing Agribusiness.” We are extending our hands to work with corporate sector working in Agriculture sector. We are exploring various supply chain solutions for the farmers and the industry players. This is the proper time to innovate and incubate various business models for the farming community through FPCs.


To advance the business and policy interests of Farmers Producer Companies (FPCs). To provide technical, marketing, technology and capacity building support to FPCs aimed at increasing their business competitiveness and creating sustainable social enterprises.


To provide economic prosperity as well as to the markets in association with private, corporate or cooperative sector, by providing backward and forward linkages to the Farmers Producer Companies (FPCs) for the prosperity of the small and marginal farmers.

Our Values

Cooperation, Empowerment, Responsiveness, Participation, Democracy, Integrity, Efficiency, Transparency, and Accountability.

Objectives of State Level Association of FPCs (MAHAFED FPC)

  • To develop linkages and facilitate partnership with a range of stakeholders to add value to the activities of FPCs.
  • To leverage the collective bargaining power of FPCs with input suppliers, financial institutions, market agents etc.
  • Develop the structure, governance and management policies, operational strategy and business plan for the FPCs.
  • To identify policy and procedural issues impacting the functioning of FPCs and dialogue with local, state and national level authorities for the satisfactory resolution of these issues.
  • To facilitate FPCs for carrying out all agriculture extension activities of central and state agriculture department to promote agri and allied activities.
  • Provide technical support for value addition/ processing of agriculture commodities aggregated by FPCs.
  • SLA delivery modes, operational systems and products & services are efficient, secure and conducive to FPO sustainability.
  • Financing of procurement, processing, marketing or other related activities, which including extending credit facilities or any other financial services to its members.
  • To perform the role of an agency which would take up business negotiations on behalf of the FPCs whenever required and provide logistics and collateral management services to FPCs.
  • Facilitate linkages of FPCs with banks and financial institutions for credit needs.
  • Initiate steps for linkages with various stakeholder agencies.
  • SLA’s performance, providing a demonstration platform stimulating other states to adopt such service delivery institutions targeting the FPCs.

Table-1: Proposed Committees, Composition & Roles under the Association

Committee Composition Role
General Body
(Meeting 1-2 times a year)
All member FPCs
(after screening)
  • Approve activity plan, budget
  • Election/Selection of BOD
  • Take policy level decisions.
Board of Directors
(Meeting every quarter)
7 member committee
  • 6 FPO Members
  • 1 Expert Director
  • Facilitate learning and sharing of knowledge and information.
  • Facilitate linkages with companies, services providers, other agencies.
  • Mobilize funds/resources.
  • Implementation, Monitoring & Review of work
  • Screening and approval of companies & service providers for empanelment.
  • Address policy level issues with concerned stakeholders.
  • Grievance redressal.
Advisory Committee 10 member committee
  • NGO stakeholder
  • Subject Expert Representatives of Banks
  • Representative from Govt. agency
  • Corporate representative
  • Advice BOD
  • Explore opportunities; facilitate partnerships with external stakeholder agencies.
  • Play a crucial role in policy Advocacy to create an enabling environment for business.

A second category of members are called “Observer Members”. These can be institutions/individuals which are directly related to the functioning of FPCs. Representatives of key government departments, such as Agriculture, Horticulture, Dairy and Animal Husbandry, Fisheries etc. may also be requested to attend the meetings of the Association as special invitees, though they may not be formal members of the Association.

Table-2: Profile of Board of Directors

Sr. No. Name of the Directors DIN Age Experience (in Years) Contact Details
1 Mrs. Savita Sharad Mehatere 07310547 39 7 9423465744
2 Mr. Sandip Tulshidas Shinde 06981299 33 11 9762793171
3 Mr. Swapnil Avinash Bhaskar 07746069 37 10 9552183333
4 Mrs. Lalita Arun Shinde 09458068 32 2 9665244161
5 Mr. Satyavan Dharmraj Phate 07425098 39 8 9850953255

The Company is being managed by the Board of Directors with the support of the Gramin Kruhsi Vikas. Two woman directors on the board of the company. The board members take a keen interest in the operations of the company are fully aware of the challenges which the company is facing along with the fund-raising activities undertaken by the company.


The Producer Company shall consist of only farmer producer companies (FPC’s), producer institutions, managed and owned by person, whether incorporated or not who fulfils eligibility conditions under the provisions of these Articles may apply membership in the prescribed form to the Board of the Producer Company undertaking to carry out the responsibilities of membership in writing.

Connecting the Farmers

MAHAFED FPC has a will reach across all districts of Maharashtra through members of farmer producer organizations and we will associate with members FPCs under the Company Act having Registrar of Companies registered shareholder more than 3 lakhs active small and marginal farmers. FPCs are institutionalizing small and farmers into the value chain.

The Soul of Our Company

The soul of the company rests upon building commodity-centric economies for empowering farmers at grass root levels. ‘Trust’ and ‘Social Capital’ are the fundamental pillars at the core business ethos of MAHAFED FPC as a social enterprise.

Our Strategy

MAHAFED FPC’s business model focuses on the strategy of developing commodity centric- clusters of FPCs, with common business models for value addition through markets at farm gate levels.