

Business Plan of MAHAFED FPC’s

Procurement Services

Company will procure grains & Pules (Chana, soybean, tour, moon, Urad, etc) under Price Support Scheme (PSS) through the NAFED from the farmer producer company. Company will procure agri commodities through the center will have been given to Farmer producer companies.

Price Support Scheme (PSS):

Government of India through Central Nodal Agencies like NAFED and FCI has been striving to assure better returns for the farmers. Procurement of notified commodities at Minimum Support Price (MSP) from the farmers in the state of Maharashtra is proactively happening for the Pulses in Kharif Marketing Season & Rabi marketing Season.

'Pradhan Mantri AnnadataAaySanraksHan Abhiyan' (PM-AASHA) is an umbrella scheme to ensure Minimum Support Price (MSP) to farmers. It comprises the erstwhile Price Support Scheme (PSS). In the state of Maharashtra, GOI procures Pulses (Moong, Udid, Tur, Chana) and Oilseeds (Soybean). Department of Marketing, Government of Maharashtra is Nodal Department for handling the Procurement operations. State government is coordinating the entire operations and facilitate the farmers through Nodal Agencies and Purchasing centers run by Co-operatives / Farmer Producer Companies.

MAHAFED FPC has focused on decentralized procurement model wherein Farmer producer Companies having strong farmer base with adequate facilities for the value addition of the agriculture commodities especially Cleaning, Grading & small-scale warehousing facilities etc. Mostly, FPCs promoted by central/state schemes are given priority for operating the procurement centers along with facilities for warehousing are taken into consideration.