

The following structure of proposed Body

(General Body)
Board of Directors
Advisory Committee

MAHAFED FPC Body Structure

The MAHAFED Agro Farmers Producer Company Limited. could be an apex body with sub groups that deal with business development, policy and procedures, institutional supports, sub-sectors of agriculture like horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries, honey collection, poultry etc.

General Body

General body will comprise of all the members of the company. General body meeting will be held once every year. Important decision regarding election/selection of board of Directors, approval of annual programme plan and budget, approval of annual audit report and annual activity report, appointment of auditor, formation of sub-groups to work on sub areas will rest on the general body. Voting rights will rest only with permanent members of the Association. Provisional members and observer members are excluded from voting.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (BOD) will be elected/selected/nominated from the General Body. The BOD will meet every four months to plan, monitor, guide and support activities planned by the Association.

Representative of key government departments such as agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries etc, may also be requested to attend the meeting of the Association as special invitees though they may not be formal member of formal member of Association.

Advisory Committee

An advisory committee comprising of 1-2 members of BOD, representatives of NGOs (promoters of FPCs), subject experts, financial institutions, corporate bodies and government agencies would be formed.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Mr. Sharad Rambhau Mehtre will remain the CEO during the initial years. The CEO will anchor the SLPC. Administrative and management functions will be done by the CEO. Coordination between various subjects, organizing meetings, initiate dialogues with various actors, compliances, etc will be done by CEO with active involvement of BOD.